Crude Assay

Whether it is Gasoline, Diesel Fuel, Crude Oil, Heavy Fuel Oil, Jet Fuel, Kerosene, Biodiesel, Ethanol, LPG, or petrochemicals, samples will be quickly and accurately tested with the results made available via the latest proprietary technology enabling our clients to make knowledgeable decisions and conduct their business without uncertainty. 

As a top-quality service provider, focused on continuous improvement, a majority of our laboratories, globally, are ISO 17025 accredited. Laboratory accreditation assesses factors relevant to our technical competence, accurate, and reliable results. Our daily quality control and SQC protocols along with participation in monthly and quarterly (PTP) proficiency testing programs guarantee that we are providing the most accurate data available. 

We have invested millions of dollars to build our network of laboratories ensuring that we are strategically positioned to be your provider of choice. By ensuring our locations are minutes away from the largest refineries and terminals in the world, equipping our staff with the most accurate and reliable equipment available, and by providing around the clock skilled staff – we are confident we are the premiere service provider in this sector.

Our custom built Camin Analytical Center has been performing crude assays for over 10 years. During that time, we have performed thousands of TBP distillations and hundreds of full crude oil characterizations on crudes from all over the world. We have a custom-built facility and the latest technology to give our expert distillers and analysts the tools they need to exceed your expectations for accuracy and turnaround time. Whether you need basic crude oil testing, flash-assay data to make quick decisions or a comprehensive characterization, Camin Cargo will exceed your Crude Assay expectations and needs.