We operate in ports, refineries, terminals as well as outlying locations supporting our Clients diverse needs year round, around the clock. Our independent inspection surveyors adhere to API, ASTM, TIC / IFIA standards as well as other International guidelines in order to protect your business, minimize your risk in product quantity and quality, and to ensure conformity to customer specifications as required on each assignment. To ensure field excellence over 85% of our qualified inspectors are IFIA/TIC accredited.
Services include but not limited to; shoreside or offshore, bunker surveys, vessel tank inspections, STS transfers/lightering’s, ROB surveys, vessel performance, custody transfers, wall washings, & reconciliation of cargo discrepancies

Shore Tank Services
Tank to Tank Transfers
Wall Washings
Product Suitability

Rail Car / Tanker Truck Services
Loading or Unloading
Measurement and Sampling
Sealing Valves/ Hatches

Communication / Information Reporting Services
Customized communication as required
Ongoing updates throughout the service
Timely reporting of accurate information
Proprietary Reporting System

Agricultural Services, Bio-Fuels and Vegetable Oils Cargo Inspection
Caustic Soda
Coal Mineral

Barge Inspection Report Programme (BIRE)
Our accredited and highly trained inspectors with Camin Cargo Control NWE are available to provide barge and small vessel owners with their required BIRE inspections. Through BIRE (ex-EBIS) a crucial source of vessel safety information for reliable and timely vessel assessment and vetting is provided for, whilst owners benefit from access to accurate vessel safety and performance information. Learn more here.
Other Services Available
Loss control oversight
Constant attendance
Damage investigation
Draft survey
Truck weighing
Bagged cargo sampling/inspection
Vessel hold inspection
Tally inspection
Shore tank strapping service
Loading master services
Terminal due diligence
Non-Destructive testing and tank inspection
Commercial certification
Warehouse location assessment
Demurrage calculation and investigation
Visual inspection of cargo & packing/marking description
Container/Dunnage preparation and sealing